Wednesday 18 December 2013

Capricorn 2014 Horoscope / Capricorn 2014 Astrology

Capricorn 2014 Horoscope / Capricorn 2014 Astrology

2014 Capricorn Career Horoscope: 2014 would see a continuation of the excellent run you have experienced at work. You are on a personal high during this time & 2014 is a further good period to maximum growth. Saturn that helps you achieve this is in its strongest degrees that would make the results most powerful & effective now.
A detour & distraction would come after the 3rd March 2014. This is a time when you should not lose track of what you do & will continue with your focus on what you had been doing before. This period continues till July 2014 and it would be useful to remain absolutely focused now. Another shorter period when you could lose focus is during the entire month of January 2014. There could be sudden set back after a possible very promising period.
You should not react or take any decisions till you cross January 2014. If you play your cards well, the project you are working on since the beginning of the year would materialize during March 2014.
New partnerships could come about in June 2014. There could be substantial investments & possible financial risks with such ventures. You should weigh all options well & wait till end of July before jumping into the plans fully.
Further the exceptional vibrancy you had been feeling in career would seem to slow down after mid July & there could be sort of block on luck too. These developments would not hurt you as long as you try to stabilize your achievements rather than pushing ahead with expansion & growth plans. You should look at the second half of 2014 to stabilize all the work done by you in the past 2 years.
November onwards a period of high gains based on your past efforts would commence. Make the most of the period before that to achieve the level you desire.

Important events & milestones you will experience during 2014:
  • January will see fluctuations & lot of unsteady trends at work. Avoid major decisions & face off situations during January.
  • A very dynamic period runs during February & March 2014. Avoid any conflict & issues with boss now. Utmost care is required in work matters.
  • Creative work & help from foreign sources would be best during September & October.
  • Block in career could be felt during end October to mid November. Avoid unnecessary competition.
2014 Capricorn Love Horoscope: The year as far as relationships go would start on a roller coaster. You have been going through ups and downs in love maters for sometime and the current high at the beginning of the year might go temporarily down after the 7th January 2014 due to some sudden unexpected issues which might come back and revisit you during this month. It is not a good time to take any decisions in relationships, best would be to let things be and wait to cross at least 1st February 2014 before any steps are taken. Overall a very good amount of revival will come up during end of February and early March 2014.
Beyond March 2014, relationships and marriage matters will be average. A turn around would come in after the middle of June 2014 when you will enter into a very positive time in terms of relationships and marriage. If unmarried or eligible for marriage the second half of 2014 is excellent for marriage matters. High chances of finding someone or getting marriage arranged through family during this year. Focus is high on career and other professional activities in the first half of the year. During the second half of the year things will move away a little bit from professional matters and your focus would come back into relationships and other aspects of your life.
Further beyond November 2014, you would enter into a very social and positive phase. There would be good amount of opportunities to meet with the friends and have a very nice and positive period with spouse or partner. Travel will also take place during this time; there could be opportunities of celebration in the family which you could celebrate well again with your spouse or partner. Interesting months for love and romance could be March, May, mid June to mid July, October, mid November to early December 2014.
General overview 2014
Capricorn would have an interesting year as the high activity in career will continue.
Pressures will be very high. Hard work would have to be exceptional too. But this all will give you very good growth and returns eventually.
There would be chances of marriage or a new partnership after June 2014. New opportunities and alliances from foreign lands might come about in the second half of the year.
Your thinking and outlook could be pessimistic and negative after July 2014.
Be careful and avoid getting bugged down by negative thoughts. Beyond November 2014, your income will rise substantially, you would make very high gains and all the hard work of the past should give you excellent returns after November 2014.
Overall a positive year as long as you work hard and do not misuse your authority. There could be exceptional growth and gains for you.
Capricorn 2014 January Horoscope: A very positive & gain oriented period runs till the 14th January 2014. You will find excellent progress at work. New ideas and being in control of all you do would be possible till the 14th January 2014. Work hard & make the most of this time now. Beyond the 14th January 2014 is a period of progress & gains. All efforts made now would bring in maximum growth for you. Finances will look up and you will also get some great time with friends. Socially a very nice period.
Capricorn 2014 February Horoscope: Positive period would run till the 13th February 2014. You will do well, prosper generally and growth will be felt. Pleasant thoughts till the 13th February 2014. A very dynamic & focused period for you after the 13th February 2014. Career would be in the limelight & pick up rapidly. Superiors, boss & people in position of authority would be instrumental in being the engines of growth for you. Confidence, health & dynamism would be at a high during this time. Avoid excessive ego with children or parents.
Capricorn 2014 March Horoscope: Hurdles, low immunity & stamina would bother you till the 14 March 2014. There would be feeling of exasperation at times due to mismatch in expectations & results till the 14 March 2014. Not an easy period so avoid heavy commitments. Beyond the 14 March 2014, luck would rise. There would be improvements at work as well as in personal matters. Travel would be pleasurable. An exciting period, when wealth would increase. Opposition to your ideas would be high. There could be tiffs with partners.
Capricorn 2014 April Horoscope: Problems in joint areas of work & life such as relationships, partnerships & marital matters would persist till 14th April 2014. There would be some redeeming opportunities as long as you are flexible & follow the greater wisdom of how to deal with others. Beyond the 14th April 2014, a dip in energy levels would be felt. There could be poorer health or lower energy. Confidence and general ability to push matters could go down too. Avoid too much activity or piling up your work schedule now.
Capricorn 2014 May Horoscope: Vibrancy in career, general life would continue till the 15th May 2014. Health & energy would be upbeat during this time too. Good progress in career as well as areas connected with your profession. It’s a good time to take the support of your boss as support & goodwill would be quite high in the first half of the month. Ego hassles with partners (spouse of in serious relationship) could build up after the 15th May 2014. Issues could rise as your need to dominate spouse could cause problems. Avoid controversy and work on raising the level of bonding.
Capricorn 2014 June Horoscope: Some amount of haughtiness would be present in your mind. This might bring ego hassles with children as well as create controversy in personal matters. You could be creatively inclined till the 15th June 2014. Beyond the 15th June 2014, a new energy would come into your life. You will be resourceful dynamic and obtain the support of your superiors, bosses and even those in government position. A very good time to overcome competition. Health will improve for you in the latter part of this month.
Capricorn 2014 July Horoscope: Issues & competition with family will persist now till the 16th July 2014. You will come across a lot of new people. It would result in higher number of friends on your facebook page & would do well for your profession too. Issues & ego with children could be felt after the 16th July 2014. You will be creative and find much to do with your family now. New ideas and project could get shape now.
Capricorn 2014 August Horoscope: Period of growth & progress would operate till the 17th August 2014. Growth would be felt in multiple areas of your life. Work would progress the most & new avenues would bring in much gains & growth. Beyond the 17th August 2014 you would be in touch with a larger number of people. Grassroots level of growth would be felt now. A particular type of animosity towards extended family & friends. There would be changes of purchasing a vehicle.
Capricorn 2014 September Horoscope: Health problems related to mouth & face possible till the 17th September 2014. You have to be careful in your communications & speech. It would be useful to be humble & down to earth in dealing with others. A vibrant & positive period of growth could commence after the 17th September 2014. There would be new avenues of work & growth now. Energy levels would be high this month too. You should control aggression with your team.
Capricorn 2014 October Horoscope: Hard work & focus at work would bring in good returns for you. Avoid ego in your dealings with others till the 17th October 2014. Beyond the 17th October 2014 you should be careful about facial or dental problems. Further ego in speech could be present which could lead to issues with people close to you as well as family members. Wealth could rise due to you hard work.
Capricorn 2014 November Horoscope: Slow period would continue till the 16th November 2014. You would have some amount of trouble in finances, so remain very conscious. Fatigue, sleepiness / state of tiredness could be felt frequently. It would be useful to defer any activity requiring much energy or involvement to the second half of the month. A return in focus, stamina & energy would be felt after the 16th November 2014. You will be energetic, fixed in your outlook & result oriented now. Ego & self centeredness could go up. Avoid any conflicts due to this particular state of mind.
Capricorn 2014 December Horoscope: A positive period socially till the 17th December 2014. You will find your social diary filled up & opportunity to meet with old friends now. Income would be high & you would do well in any financial matter now. Good period to indulge in mild speculation as well as indoor games like cards etc. A dip in energy, confidence & growth could be felt after the 17th December 2014. You should slow down financial activity after the 17th December 2014 since chances of losses, wasteful expenses and such issues would be felt. Chances of investment in real estate possible during this period. Avoid start of major projects now.

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