Monday 23 December 2013

Romantic Love Quotes

Romantic Love Quotes

Beautiful, memorable love quotes. Our selected love quotes ...
Other men said they have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. ~ by G. Moore
I would fly you to the moon and back if you'll be . . . if you'll be my baby. ~ From a song by Savage Garden
I love you - those three words have my life in them. ~ Alexandrea to Nicholas III
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion -
I have shudder'd at it.
I shudder no more.
I could be martyr'd for my religion
Love is my religion
And I could die for that.
I could die for you.
~ by John Keats ~

Top 20 the Most Beautiful Love Quotes in the World

 Top 20 the Most Beautiful Love Quotes in the World 

1. I can't stop loving someone just because I want to #ihatequotes

2. For every good woman deserves a rightful man. Trust your heart #ihatequotes

3. You'll never get through life if you're always depending on someone #ihatequotes

4. Without you my days are Sadday, Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, and Shatterday #TLS

5. Boys like to break your heart, but men like to pick up the piece #ihatequotes

6. Tears is the only way how my eyes speak when my mouth can’t explain how things made my heart broken #ihatequotes

7. I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not #ihatequotes

8. Dear girls.. The only way to forget an old love, is to get a new love #ihatequotes

9. I'm not rare. I'm limited edition #ihatequotes

10. If love is everywhere, I'll never end up in the middle of nowhere #ihatequotes

11. I'd rather be your moon than sun, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn't around #TLS

12. Love doesn't need a reason. If you can explain why you love someone, its not love, its like #TLS

13. If i could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put "U & I" together #TLS

14. It HURTS when you know that there’s no hope for you being together yet you still pray to make it work #TLS

15. Someday, in the time we don’t expect, we’ll just meet. And maybe, it's for foreve #TLS

16. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not #TLS

17. If someone really likes you he/she'll listen to what you have to say and NOT what h/she hears from others #TLS

18. Past is past. If you want happiness, don’t walk together with your past! #TLS

19. If your love doesn’t work with that person, it just means that somebody else will love you more #TLS

20. Saying "Goodbye" make u realize how much loss you had knowing that some things will never be the same again #TLS

Dance India Dance - Tribute To Michael Jackson At ITA Awards (HQ)

Dance India Dance - Tribute To Michael Jackson At ITA Awards (HQ)

Michael Jackson's Best Dance Moves

Michael Jackson's Best Dance Moves



Wednesday 18 December 2013

Soft Christmas Cookies

Soft Christmas Cookies


  • Directions

    1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together, set aside. In a large bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Gradually blend in the sifted ingredients until fully absorbed. Cover dough, and chill for 2 hours

Sugar Cookie Icing

Sugar Cookie Icing


    1.  In a small bowl, stir together confectioners' sugar and milk until smooth. Beat in corn syrup and almond extract until icing is smooth and glossy. If icing is too thick, add more corn syrup.
    2. Divide into separate bowls, and add food colorings to each to desired intensity. Dip cookies, or paint them with a brush.

Classic Gingerbread Cutouts

Classic Gingerbread Cutouts


The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies

The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies



  • 1 1/2 cups butter, softened
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Christmas Tree Cookies

Christmas Tree Cookies


  • Directions


Cinnamon Stars

Cinnamon Stars



Eileen's Spicy Gingerbread Men

Eileen's Spicy Gingerbread Men


Pisces 2014 Horoscope / Pisces 2014 Astrology

Pisces 2014 Horoscope / Pisces 2014 Astrology

2014 Pisces Career Horoscope: Career would pick up this year. After a couple of challenging years, new ideas and creativity would be your savior. However the first half of 2014 would still be challenging. There would be acute hurdles and issues between March & July 2014.
This is a period of caution as Saturn is in its strongest degrees bringing in hurdles for you. Once you cross this period you luck will rise tremendously.
The turn around would come for you after mid June when new ideas and a new project that you are working upon will become a reality. There would be progress & growth due to your competence and how you can move ahead.
July will see a further step up in progress & reduction in hurdles. A partnership offer could come out of the blue. I will not suggest you take it up blindly. Evaluate all options. Once you are convinced then get into it wholeheartedly. Very good results could come about as the year moves on.
Your decision making could be suspect after the middle of July 2014. You should therefore take good counsel in work matter this year too.
The hurdles could go away fully after November 2014. Luck would rise for you and an opportunity from a distant, foreign place could come about after November & during 2015. These events would script the turn around of your career fully.

Pisces 2014 Horoscope / Pisces 2014 Astrology

Aquarius 2014 Horoscope / Aquarius 2014 Astrology

Aquarius 2014 Horoscope / Aquarius 2014 Astrology

2014 Aquarius Career Horoscope: 2014 would be an eventful year. After making gains at work due to your ideas and network developed over the years, you will get into a very strong and impressive growth phase after mid June 2014.
There would be growth, hard work & new energy in the second half of the year. Support of people who could help you win by crossing over the winning line ahead of your competitors.
Luck will be good at work. Be careful of starting new & time wasting projects after 3rd March 2014. This phase continues till July 2014. Work on older projects instead. Also travel could waste time & money and so you should leave work and travel only if it is important this year.
You might turn fixed & unrelenting at times after July 2014. This might end up in loss of business and clients. You need to remain clam and not let your frustration (that could build up at times after July) show during this period.
New investment in business or profession would not be a good idea.
Career would enter a new and high activity phase after November. There could be minor blocks too. However you should focus on increasing your stature and position to achieve higher growth at work.

Capricorn 2014 Horoscope / Capricorn 2014 Astrology

Capricorn 2014 Horoscope / Capricorn 2014 Astrology

2014 Capricorn Career Horoscope: 2014 would see a continuation of the excellent run you have experienced at work. You are on a personal high during this time & 2014 is a further good period to maximum growth. Saturn that helps you achieve this is in its strongest degrees that would make the results most powerful & effective now.
A detour & distraction would come after the 3rd March 2014. This is a time when you should not lose track of what you do & will continue with your focus on what you had been doing before. This period continues till July 2014 and it would be useful to remain absolutely focused now. Another shorter period when you could lose focus is during the entire month of January 2014. There could be sudden set back after a possible very promising period.
You should not react or take any decisions till you cross January 2014. If you play your cards well, the project you are working on since the beginning of the year would materialize during March 2014.
New partnerships could come about in June 2014. There could be substantial investments & possible financial risks with such ventures. You should weigh all options well & wait till end of July before jumping into the plans fully.
Further the exceptional vibrancy you had been feeling in career would seem to slow down after mid July & there could be sort of block on luck too. These developments would not hurt you as long as you try to stabilize your achievements rather than pushing ahead with expansion & growth plans. You should look at the second half of 2014 to stabilize all the work done by you in the past 2 years.
November onwards a period of high gains based on your past efforts would commence. Make the most of the period before that to achieve the level you desire.

Sagittarius 2014 Horoscope / Sagittarius 2014 Astrology

Sagittarius 2014 Horoscope / Sagittarius 2014 Astrology

2014 Sagittarius Career Horoscope: The impressive march forward from 2013 would continue this year too. You will continue to do well & there would be progress in partnerships, joint areas of work and support from various quarters.
2014 is a lucky year till June. Thereafter a slowdown could come about due to your own thinking & limitations in thinking. You will rise in stature but a new way of thinking & doing work is likely to increase hurdles for you, after June 2014.
The period after 3rd March needs to be handled cautiously. You are prone to making error of judgment in choosing new areas that are unproductive. You should avoid new projects & focus on existing ones between March & July 2014.
The high gains & smooth period would see changes now, as career will enter into a very active & vibrant phase after mid July 2014. This phase will see new opportunities all around. Of course all options will not be suitable. You need to look out for the real gold in between fakes. If you can choose well, exceptional & unexpected progress would come after July 2014.
Further November 2014 would see a slowdown in the exceptional progress you will manage till October 2014. The piece of advice is that you should make the most of the high gain period till October. Saturn that causes these effects is in its most powerful degrees and there would be exceptional gains that you should take advantage of.

Scorpio 2014 Horoscope / Scorpio 2014 Astrology

Scorpio 2014 Horoscope / Scorpio 2014 Astrology

2014 Scorpio Career Horoscope: 2014 is a great year for you. After tremendous struggle last year, you can look forward to a great time professionally in the second half of the year. The year however would begin with its set of problems & struggles. Financial pressures would be high, while wasteful expenses would also be a cause of concern. You need to cut down overheads at work till July 2014 at least.
Period between March & July 2014 could be most challenging professionally as well as financially.
After the initial hurdles during the year, you would find improvement & progress as you move ahead during the year.
First step forward would be mid June 2014 when the hurdles would go down substantially. Progress & luck at work would rise. Overall it would be the beginning of a magnificent turnaround for you.
Thereafter the effects of the financial pressures you had been reeling under would give way to a jump in income & gains. You will find a new vibrancy at work. Deals that were eluding you would come about, bringing in exceptional growth at work after mid July.
Further beyond November, the period of slump in work would give way to a focused & energetic work progress. While your troubles & hassles would also go up, but end of the day, there would be good growth atwork.
2014 would end on very positive note and it might be difficult for you to imagine the troubles you were going through at the beginning of the year.

Libra 2014 Horoscope / Libra 2014 Astrology

Libra 2014 Horoscope / Libra 2014 Astrology

2014 Libra Career Horoscope: Powerful but difficult period at work would continue as you cross into 2014. You might have felt frequently challenged and not at ease throughout 2013. While it was an unsettled year, there could have been some very specific progress & powerful phase in operation too during last year. Similar but more powerful period would operate during this 2014 too. You might find your challenges rising after the March 2014 begin. March to July 2014 could see reversals at work. You need to avoid controversial decisions and sudden changes in work patterns.
Career would go into a phase of expansion after July 2014. There would be rise in activity, opportunities, expansion & hard work. While gains might not be to your expectation but still there would be some exceptional expansion and exposure to new areas.
Around mid July 2014, you might wish to get into an expansion or a wasteful overhead phase. This is a misleading period and financial pressures should be avoided since they could bring in issues for you. A temptation to indulge in dangerous or illegal activity could come up too. You need to say no, clearly and without any doubts.
An overall easing of pressures and the beginning of a steadier period at work would commence after November 2014.

Virgo 2014 Horoscope / Virgo 2014 Astrology

Virgo 2014 Horoscope / Virgo 2014 Astrology

2014 Virgo Career Horoscope: 2014 offers growth & gains at work in the second half of the year. The year could begin with high activity at work, pressures and great churning in career. This period of hard work without equivalent gains would improve after the 7th March. Personal pressures as well as work area issues could come up once March 2014 commences leading to an unsettling trend overall.
These challenges will give way to progress & gains after mid June 2014. You will see the results of all your efforts made in the last 12 months come to fructification now. The unsettling trends would give way to uniform progress and steady growth for you.
Around mid July 2014, you will be relieved of a mental block & a block on your sub conscious that was present for more than a year. This will help you work & think freely, leading to progress at work. After such a tough period, one effect you would feel is of a fixed mindset & lack of willingness to be flexible. While on one hand this attitude would help you achieve your targets well, on the other hand it might make you unpopular and lose support of partners. You need to be cautious of this aspect. Gains & growth will follow.
November 2014 will usher in a new phase of growth & expansion. Opportunities in new work areas possible as you will be decisive, hard working & focused at work now. Very good results thereafter till the end of 2014.

Leo 2014 Horoscope / Leo 2014 Astrology

Leo 2014 Horoscope / Leo 2014 Astrology

2014 Leo Career Horoscope: A golden period at work operates for you. You are experiencing expansion, high gains & a high level of confidence at the beginning of 2014. You need to remember that such trends are rare and do not continue throughout life. A slowdown would be felt in the second half of 2014. While it would not bring any reversals as such, still the high & exciting period might slowdown to some extent. You should make the most of the time till mid July 2014 when Saturn would be in its most powerful degrees and Dragon’s Head will give you new growth & opportunities before moving in a more subtle and steady phase.
Unnecessary travel & investments should be avoided after July 2014. You creative idea might slow down a bit & new ideas after July should be checked with caution.
Overall 2014 is divided very clearly into 2 parts: first part till June 2014 that will see unprecedented growth & expansion. You should avoid commencing new projects after the 3rd March 2014. Second part would see a slow down & lack of energy. You need to avoid new areas of work & start working on consolidation of all achieved over the past few years. A very powerful phase operates till October and so you have nearly the whole year to get the most out of your career.

Cancer 2014 Horoscope / Cancer 2014 Astrology

Cancer 2014 Horoscope / Cancer 2014 Astrology

2014 Cancer Career Horoscope: 2014 holds out promise for you in the second half of the year. At the beginning of the year, you might see yourself aggressive & working hard but career would be meandering without much growth as such. You might find distractions at home front a bit challenging for career after the 3rd March. This disharmonious period would end on 20th July & by July you would have found your path as well as clarity in all you need to do at work.
Luck would pick up at work & focus would be high. That could give your career the much needed push after 19th June 2014. By mid July you will get into an expansion mode, if working independently. If not, then mid July onwards due to the movement of Dragon’s head in your house of new growth & hard work, a jump in opportunities and new areas would be felt. You would be inundated with work & growth options. You need to control your aggression well & keep a focus on your work to ensure optimum career growth for you.
Overall, 2014 is a sort of a re-foundation year once you cross into the second half. Much work done & planned now will give you rich returns in 2015.
New creative projects with partners could take off after November 2014.

Gemini 2014 Horoscope / Gemini 2014 Astrology

Gemini 2014 Horoscope / Gemini 2014 Astrology

2014 Gemini Career Horoscope: 2014 would see an end to finding your place in the Sun. Struggles of the last few years would give way to unprecedented success & progress after 19th June 2014. Till June 2014, you need to focus on work. Planning and strategy building is required now to ensure you make good progress at work. The worrying trends as well as confusion & lack of clarity in your professional path would get over after the 7th March 2014. You will find hope as well as clear plan now. Beyond 19th June 2014, career would jump up. There would be new opportunities due to your own abilities. New ideas as well as your communication skills would bring in tremendous financial progress.
The coming 12 months after July 2014 will bring in a cycle of growth that comes in once in 12 years. Jupiter rules your house of work & profession. It is in its exaltation sign. Being in its strongest position & that too in your house of finances, the second half of 2014 will bring in great success by pure & honest means. It would repair your finances taking you on a positive run professionally.
Hard work, honesty, diligence, listening to your own instincts would bring in the maximum amount of luck for you.You should have faith in your abilities. Any ideas that come up sub consciously should be followed through till conclusion.
Life will throw up new challenges after the 14th December 2014. You should stand up to the challenges rather than shying away. If you do take a stand & take risks, you would come out on the top.

Taurus 2014 Horoscope / Taurus 2014 Astrology

Taurus 2014 Horoscope / Taurus 2014 Astrology

2014 Taurus Career Horoscope: A dream period at work. Your years of hard work & plans get materialized this year. Saturn governs your career & profession. Saturn is in its most powerful degrees now. You could nearly wish your career path & make it come true. You need a lot of hard work now. This is a period when you need to make hay while the sun shines. Time wasted could be opportunity lost. New ideas, plans & making things happen should you plan your actions.
The very strong period will temporarily get side tracked between 3rdMarch & 20th July 2014. Your focus therefore should be on completing as many projects as possible before March begins. After March begins you should focus on current projects only. New projects should be avoided.
You would be able to overcome competition easily this year. It is a period of rapid growth & fulfillment.
Beyond July 2014 a very special phase operates till end October. You should remember that such period does not come time & again. The best results in career would be available. The only limit now would be your ability & willingness to work hard. You should make the most of the period of working yourself & being the pick of your team.
November 2014 would see the beginning of a new phase in your career. The focus & need would shift to joint projects, associations & partners. It is the period when you will find success working with others. The raw power of the last 2 years would give way to a position of a mentor and facilitator. Choose your team well as that will see you run into the next cycle of career growth for you.

Aries 2014 Horoscope / Aries 2014 Astrology

Aries 2014 Horoscope / Aries 2014 Astrology

 2014 Aries Career Horoscope: Career during 2014 would be in a very powerful & active phase. You should be conscious of the fact that good times don’t last forever & so you should make the most of the powerful period that would be in operation till the 2nd of November. Partnerships, although not easy or pleasant would hold the key to success. You should leverage progress by working through partners as well as in joint areas of work now. Saturn that governs your profession & career is in its strongest degrees this year. It should be able to deliver what you have been aspiring for in the past few years. All you need is focus, hard work & dedication. The strong phase when you would feel you are going full stream ahead might slowdown & even turn backwards after the 3rd March. All important projects should be concluded before 3rd March 2014, while new projects should not be started after the 3rd march. This tricky & turbulent phase would last till the 20th of July. Thereafter a very strong final run up in your career would come about till end October. It would be a period where your professional luck would be racing against time. Run hard & get your results by October end.
With the beginning of November, a sort of lull in professional activity would be felt. You should take the trends seriously & work on consolidation rather than growth now. It would be good to gather your strength as 2014 would come to a close.

BCCI to honour Kapil Dev with lifetime achievement award

India's first World Cup winning captain Kapil Dev will be conferred the Col CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement award for the year 2013 at the annual BCCI awards function, the Board's announced on Wednesday.

The award's committee comprising BCCI President N Srinivasan, Sanjay Patel (Hony. Secretary) and Ayaz Memon (Senior Journalist) met in Chennai today to nominate a winner and unanimously zeroed in on the legendary all-rounder's name.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Your ideas have the strength to take the Nation ahead. Be a part of

  & participate in open forums & discussions.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Aau capsicum masala

Aau capsicum masala


  • 2 big potatoes

  • 2 big tomatoes

  • 2 big onions

  • 1 capsicum or bell pepper

  • 1 string curry leaves

  • 1 string corriander leaves

  • 1 tablespoon jeera

  • 1 teaspoon zachia - i bought this in dhanaulti, uttaranchal , india in a eco park

Eggless Chocolate Cake

Eggless Chocolate Cake


Serves: 18 

  • 375g plain flour

  • 375g castor sugar

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda

  • 45g cocoa powder

  •  180ml vegetable oil

Wednesday 11 December 2013

dhoklas as snack

Dhoklas as snack 

Serves: 5 
  • 1 packet Dhokla mix
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon chilli powder
  • a pinch asefotida
  • 2 teaspoons green chillies  
For decoration
  • 1 onion

Gujarati Kadhi

Gujarati Kadhi  

Serves: 4 
  •  2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups sour curd
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (more/less to taste)
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric (haldi) powder
  • 4 green chillis, slit in halves
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated or finely chopped
  • ¼ cup chopped coriander leaves

Kalan – Onasadya Recipe

 Kalan – Onasadya Recipe

Onam is around the corner, right? You can expect some sadya recipes here in the coming weeks. Let’s start with one of my fav item in sadya, Kalan. Wait there is some correction in the previous sentence, my first and foremost fav item in sadya is payasam, especially jaggery based payasams. I’m craving some payasam as I write this, sigh! What about you? Do you have any favourite sadya dish?

Anyways, coming back to our kalan recipe… I like yogurt based curries with rice, may be that explains my love for Kalan. I think it has different versions including different types of plantain/banana and other veggies. I’ve used raw green banana in this recipe. You can also make it with medium ripe plantain (Kerala banana) if you like mildly sweetened kalan.
So shall we go and make this yummy dish?
Cook the diced banana, with sliced small onion (2), chopped green chillies, ginger, garlic and salt. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer till the banana is cooked…

Pachadi – Kerala Onam Sadya Recipe

 Pachadi – Kerala Onam Sadya Recipe

For the past couple of days, most of my conversation starts or ends with “Onamthinentha paripadi”? (what plans for Onam) So let me ask you, Onamthinentha paripadi? All set for the celebration?
Well, I dont have any major plans for Onam, apart from making some Paysam. So if you want to invite me for Onasadya, you know where to find me, right ;)?
Here’s another Sadya recipe. Again, this is a yogurt based dish. It can be made with different veggies  and fruits like Okra, Beetroot, Raw Mango, Pineapple etc; I’m posting a Vellarikka (Golden Cucumber). It’s a very mildly spiced dish and it has a very refreshing feeling. I love to have this dish especially during summer, since it has a cooling effect.
So that’s one more dish for your Sadya. You can find other Sadya recipes here.
Wish you a Happy Onam! Hope you have a beautiful time with your loved ones, Enjoy madi :)

Chicken Manchurian

Chicken Manchurian

How do you decide whether or not to try a new recipe? Ohh yes, there are different ways to make your decision. You can decide based on your experience, say you tried something new at a restaurant or at a friend’s place, you liked it, so you want to try it. You heard one of your friends raving about a new recipe she tried and she strongly recommends you to try it. You visit blogs like this, see the pics, read the comments and make the decision. Sometimes  you read about something, but you’ve no idea what it is, you havent heard anybody recommending it, but you’ve a good feeling about it, so you give it a try. Phew, I’m exhausted explaining the decision making process!
Like I’ve said before, it’s the decision making that takes more time than actual cooking. If you look at it, that holds true for everything else in life, right? At least that’s true in my case. If I’m undecided about something, I’d be restless and irritated and I end up doing nothing, wasting my time and your time, if you happen to be there in my vicinity ;)

Moist Banana Cake (Cupcake) With Caramel Icing

Moist Banana Cake (Cupcake) With Caramel Icing

One of the questions I’m frequently asked about the blog is  “do you actually try all the recipes that you post on the blog”? If you are also wondering the same thing, the answer is Yes! Well, there is a teeny tiny exception to this recipe. I did try it at home, but I didnt taste it exactly. I just nibbled it.
You see, I’m not a big fan of fruits, especially banana! I somehow cant bring myself to eat it. There are exceptions of course.. like banana chips, banana fritters etc; So people usually ask me if I can eat those things why cant I eat Banana in raw form or in things like baked goodies. What to do, it’s complicated ;)
Since I didnt eat this, I made sure it’s a good recipe by sharing it with people who like Banana cakes. They came back with very good feedback and I trust them. If you like bananas it sure is a treat. It’s very moist and buttery and the icing is to die for!



Do you dream? Ok, I was specifically asking about dreams in sleep, because I know we all tend to day dream a lot ;) So, tell me do you believe dreams are signs?

I do dream a lot in my sleep. Sometimes they are happy, sometimes it’s scary. Most of the time I remember clearly about the dream. I’ve noticed something… my dreams are very much influenced by my state of mind when I go to sleep. If I go to sleep in a good frame of mind, I end up having funny or happy dreams and vice versa. Jose used to say that at times I even giggle non stop in my sleep. I didn’t believe him, so he recorded it one time to show me ;)
I also have lots of weird dreams which doesn’t make any sense at all. Here’s a sample one… I started the dream with Jose, his mom and me having a tea time chat. We are just chatting in general, after a few minutes, we are still chatting, but instead of Jose and his mom, I see Mohanlal and Kaviyoor Ponnamma (the actress who usually plays Mohanlal’s mom in movies) in their place! The conversation still continued in full swing and I didnt feel anything abnormal about it, strange right? Well let’s forget the fact that I used to be a biiiigggg Mohanlal fan during my childhood and wanted to marry him, but it didnt make any sense now…

Mixed Nuts Cake

 Mixed Nuts Cake

Have you soaked the fruits for the Christmas cake? Before that let me ask you this.. are you planning to make Christmas fruit cake? Then what are you waiting for, go ahead and soak the fruits right away! I’ve been soaking the fruits for a year now, yes you heard it right. As soon as I use one batch I soak the next one, so it’s been resting on my kitchen counter for a year, waiting to be used.
The truth is, most of the time I’ve seen people making faces when fruit cake is offered. Not many people are big fans of it,myself included. So here’s an alternate option for you, Mixed Nuts Cake. If you like nuts, then you’ll enjoy this cake. I should say this cake is loaded with nuts with a subtle lemony flavour. It’s moist and flavourful.
I got this recipe from Australian Women’s Weekly Baking book. This cake is a Greek New Year’s cake called Vasilopita.

Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies

Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies

I was looking for an eggless choco chip cookie recipe for a long long time. Most of the recipes I came across had ingredients like flaxseed, egg replacer or something of that sort. I wanted to try a recipe which makes use of the ingredients I usually have at home. I almost gave up my search for the same, but baking fairy finally appeared on one of the Google searches! Looks like when you really want something to happen, universe does help you ;)



Rava Laddu

Rava Laddu

Rava Laddu
Recipe type: Sweets, Desserts
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 6-7
  • Rava (Semolina/Sooji) – 1 cup
  • Coconut – ½ cup
  • Powdered sugar – ¾ – 1 cup
  • Warm milk – ¼ cup
  • Cashews and raisins – 15 each
  • Cardamom powder – a pinch
  • Ghee – 1.5 tbsp

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Chilli Chicken

Chicken Breast-2
Ginger Garlic Paste-2 tsp
Chilli Power-2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder-1/2 tsp
Egg -1
Corn flour-1 tsp
Red Food Color – couple pinches
Lemon juice/Vineger -1 tsp
For tossing
Bell pepper -1 cup sliced(colored )
Curry Leaves -1 string
Onion - 1/2 cup(Sliced)
Chilli sauce - as needed
Soya sauce - as needed

Chicken Lollypop (Drums of heaven)

Chicken Lollypops (Wings deskinned) - 500 gms.

For Marination
cornflour - 2 tblsp.
soya sauce - 2 tblsp.
vinegar - 1 tsp
Red chilli paste - 1 tsp.
Ginger paste - 2 tsp.
Garlic paste - 1 tsp.
Ajinomoto - ¼ tsp.
salt - to taste

For Batter 
Maida - 6 tblsp.
Cornflour - 6 tblsp.

Basil Pesto Veggie Pizza

Basil Pesto Veggie Pizza 

About this recipe: Here's a great pizza, a diversion from the usual tomato marinara for your next party. Also impressive when you want to make an exotic dinner for someone special. 


Serves: 6 

  • 1 large pre-baked pizza base
  • 8 tablespoons pesto

Monday 9 December 2013

Cheese Muffins

Cheese Muffins

Quick and easy recipe for one of the most savory muffins, fluffy, cheesy in the inside, with a great crispy top, makes them perfect near a good fresh salad or soup. 
You can add some herbs, onion or bacon if you prefer and serve them warm for breakfast or simply take them with you if you are in a rush. These are also perfect for a picnic treat in the summer days.
As this recipe is so easy to put together kids can be involved in the process of making, they love them too and make a good alternative to their lunch boxes. 

Pumpkin Dutch Baby Pancake

Pumpkin Dutch Baby Pancake

Do you need a quick and delicious idea for breakfast? This German pancake best known as Dutch Baby, enriched with pumpkin puree and seasonal flavors is perfect for this time of the year. 
All you need is an iron cast skillet. Make it hot before adding the batter to ensure it gets crispy at the edges but still soft in the inside. 
This is really easy, takes only few minutes to prepare and you got a delicious breakfast that you can serve with toasted walnuts, pecans, honey, maple syrup or whipped cream.